Peter is a Product Leader that focuses on strategy and B2B SaaS.

It all starts with a vision & strategy

Ideas are great. You can’t get places without an inspiring vision. Also, what’s the point of doing something if you’re not excited? You’ll give up.

In order to get to a winning outcome, you need to have a strategy that connects your product development to your vision and also your goals.

Want to learn more? Check out the talk he gave at Product School ->

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Even more important than strategy, is the why

Peter has led product from pre-seed through Series A and whole product areas from Series B to C. He has been Head of Product, a Founder, a consultant, a Stanford engineer and Lead Product Manager, building products and companies from 0 to 1. As part of being his authentic self, and giving back, Peter wants to share his experiences with the world. He’ll be covering a wide range of topics from software development, to self-improvement, to pursuing intellectual curiosities.

Peter strives to have operational excellence in the following areas

Leading companies

Executive communication
Team leadership

Product marketing

Go-to-market strategies
Product positioning
Sales enablement

Research & strategies

Market research & sizing
Competitive analysis
Conversion optimization

Product development

Road mapping
Agile development
UI/UX Design
Product requirements

Let's create better


Let's create better


Let's create better ✴︎ Let's create better *